Joseph Warner
Born in Honolulu and raised in South Germany in a musical environment, Joseph Warner took up the piano at the age of seven. When he was 14 years old, he turned to the double bass and studied with several teachers from jazz and classical scenes. After finishing his studies, Warner spent years performing with artists and ensembles of the so-called New Music, the Avantgarde and Jazz scenes. Being a romantic in the real sense of the word, his attitude towards the world and sound is best displayed by the "window motif" of the Romantic period in art. Just like somebody standing in front of a window and looking outside, Warner feels at home in the „real“ world and a parallel cosmos „outside“. He tries to express all these inside/outside dimensions by making intense use of extended techniques and a deep sense of the traditional approach he has emerged from and which he never denies. Joseph Warner has gained wide recognition for his natural and false harmonics research. He weaves into vast soundscapes where a multitude of pizzicato, arco, and hammer-on techniques leave their marks. Warner works on a freelance basis and can be heard in many different projects and recitals. His most recent release, "alon:es“ opened many doors for him and is an outstanding and unique example of music for unaccompanied double bass.
Joseph Warner is also active as a poet, publishing regularly and providing poems for his voice-bass performances.
Joseph Warner uses bows by Lubos Oubrecht.