We have a range of different pricing options available. With each package, you'll get access to our full range of videos, including performances, tutorials, and accompaniments. Some of our options are a one-off purchase granting access for a set period of time, and others are rolling subscriptions allowing continuous access. Feel free to try a 1 week pass to get to know our platform, or subscribe and save on a monthly or yearly basis. In order to keep things simple for our members, we offer the String Virtuoso membership options in various currencies as follows:
1 Week Pass £9.99
Monthly Subscription £16.99
Yearly Subscription £169.99
1 Week Pass $13.99
Monthly Subscription $24.99
Yearly Subscription $249.99
1 Week Pass €11.99
Monthly Subscription €19.99
Yearly Subscription €199.99
1 Week Pass $18.00
Monthly Subscription $32.00
Yearly Subscription $315.00
1 Week Pass $19.00
Monthly Subscription $33.50
Yearly Subscription $335.00
1 Week Pass $107.00
Monthly Subscription $202.50
Yearly Subscription $2025.00
1 Week Pass ₩16700.00
Monthly Subscription ₩29500.00
Yearly Subscription ₩295000.00
1 Week Pass ¥1750.00
Monthly Subscription ¥3100.00
Yearly Subscription ¥31000.00
By subscribing and supporting String Virtuoso you enable the platform to film and produce more videos and bring you more excellent double bassists.
Some free videos you may like:
Warming up — Double Bass Lesson with Lorraine Campet
Technique Lesson